Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Printer
Installing PrinterDrivers andUtilities
1Locate the Drivers, MarkVisionand Utilities CD
that comes with your printer.
If your computer does not have a CD-ROM drive,
you can transfer the information on the CD to dis-
kettes. Locate a computer with a CD-ROM drive,
start the CD-ROM utility,and follow the instruc-
tions presentedto create diskettes.
Note: Consult your network
software documentation for
more information. Also,see
Introducing MarkVisionon
page 25 for moreinformation.
2Follow the instructions in the booklet included
with the CD to start the printer setup utility.
The setup utility lets you install printer drivers and
utilities to manage Lexmark printers attached to
your network. See IntroducingMarkVisionon
page 25 for moreinformation.
3If necessary,use standard network software to
identify the printer to the LAN and to complete
any other setup that may be needed.