Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
(continued) ManualEnv Type
Custom Type1
Custom Type2
Custom Type3
Custom Type4
Custom Type5
Custom Type6
The PAPERTYPE setting lets you specify the type of print material installed in each paper
source.This setting is used by the printer in the following ways:
•Enablesthe printer to optimize print quality for the specified print material.
•Enablesyou to select paper sources through your software application by selecting only a
typeand size.A source selection is unnecessar y.
•Enablesthe printer to automatically link paper sources. Any sources that contain the same
typeand size of print mater ial are automaticallylinked by the printer if you have set the
PAPE R SIZE and the PAPER TYPE to the correct settings for the paper sources. See “Tra y
Linking”on page 135 formore information.
Select ManualPap Type when manually feeding a single sheet of print material through the
multipurpose feeder.
SelectManual Env Type when manually feeding an envelope through the multipurpose feeder.
Note: Beforeloading print material in anypaper source, make sure you select the
the operatorpanel for the paper source. Also, select the paper size and the type from your
application forthe print mater ialyou are loading.
CustomType 1 through 6 refers to special types of print materials. Youcan change the names
througha utility,such as MarkVision. For more information on setting the Custom Type
names,see CUSTOM TYPES on page 49.
Ifyou are using different print material in the paper sources, each source with a different print
material must havethe PAPER SIZE and PAPER TYPE set to a unique value to disable the
automatictray linking feature. Otherwise, if a paper source becomes empty, the printer selects
printmater ial from another source since the printer sees the traysas linked. This might cause
ao ne-page letter to print on a sheet of labels or on a transparency.See “Tray Linking”on
page135 for more information.
Paper Menu( continued)
MenuItem Values