Solaris Ready Printers for Sun Customers
Printsdifferent forms at different locations from the
same database.
Globally updates forms quickly and easily over the
Providessupport for bar codes, color, duplex, multi-
page form sets, and more.
Storesforms as efficient, compact forms in flash.
Workswith Optra M410 and M412 printers and the
Optra T and Optra W laser printer families using
the Optra Forms1, 2, 4, 8, and 16MB Flash
DIMMs or Optra Forms HardDisk.
Solaris ReadyPrinters for SunCustomers
Solaris Ready printers arespecially configured for Sun
users. They areEthernet-ready and include Sun-specific
documentation as well as MarkVisionfor Sun Systems
andIntranet Servers. These applications provide seamless
installation in Sun Solaris network environments.