IntroductionAbout This Book This User’sGuide contains information about the Lexmark
instructions for the printer and printer options as well as
information about loading print material, changing
printer settings, replacingprinter supplies, and trouble-
shooting problems.
Keep this book in a handy place and use it as a reference
whenyou have a question about printer function or if you
encounter a printing problem.
It may be helpful for you to recognizethe following con-
ventions used throughoutthis book:
Note: A note providesinforma-
tion you mayfind useful. •Notes, warnings, and cautions appear in the left col-
umn for easy reference .
Warning! Awarning identifies
something that could damage
your printer hardware or soft-
•Operatorpanel buttons are printed in boldface type:
PressGo after changing a menu setting.
Caution! A caution identifies
something that could cause you
•Messages, menu names, menu items, and menu set-
tings that appear on the operator panel display are
also printed in boldface type:
If Load Tray1 appears on the operator panel dis-
play,you must load print material in tray 1 and
press Gob efore you can resume prin ting.