+ (Plus) key, 40
1'st PAPER SIZE, 57
A4 paper size, 57
A5 paper size, 57
A6 paper size, 57
Access digit (PBX access number), 73 Access number
deleting, 75 programming, 74
Active Memory Files report, 172 Activity Report, 174
red indicator light, 39, 81, 203 Answering incoming calls
external telephone vs. fax machine, 214
ring response, 54 Answering machine
connect to TEL 2, 34 using with your fax, 23, 71
Answering mode, 69 Auto Rec key, 38 changing, 69 definition, 69 options, 70
Auto dial
Auto Dial key location, 38 faxing, 104
keys don't work, 212 Location Program key, 43 number of auto dials, 221 programming numbers, 104
relay report number (Auto Dial 150), 125, 127, 185
send a fax (select location), 80 Auto receive
Auto Rec key, 38 auto receive mode, 70 relay fax, 124
AUTO START, 66 Auto start
send a fax without pressing Start, 80