SANsurfer FC HBA CLI User’s Guide
Changes Sections Affected Revision F Changes
Document Revision History
Revision E Changes
Added Appendix B XML Format
Following options and commands were changed in Rev. E
Following options and commands were added in Rev. E
SN0054614-00 F
Revision D Changes
Following options and commands were changed in Rev. D
Table of Contents
Section Interactive Commands
SN0054614-00 F
SN0054614-00 F
Section Non-interactive Commands
Appendix a XML Format
Appendix B XML Format
SN0054614-00 F
List of Tables
List of Figures
Product Overview
Guide Overview
How this Guide is Organized
Documentation Conventions
General Information
Supported Operating Systems
Supported QLogic HBAs
Hardware Requirements
System Requirements
Software Requirements
Unsupported Features
Technical Support
Features Not Available When Running ioctl Module Driver
Features Not Available When Running Sysfs Inbox Driver
Features Not Available When Running VMware Driver
Support Headquarters
Contact Information
Europe, Middle East, and Africa Region
Asia Pacific Region
Latin and South America Region
Starting Interactive Mode
Virtual if available
Following inputs are valid for the port ID
Starting Non-interactive Mode
Red Hat/SuSE Menu Description Section Option
Windows Macintosh
Interactive Interactive Menu
Non-interactive Mode Options
HBA Port
Downloading the Installation Package
Initial Installation
Installing SANsurfer FC HBA CLI
Windows Installation
Standard GUI Installation
Welcome Dialog Box
Ready to Install the Program Dialog Box
Standard Command Line Installation
Command Line Installation
Silent Command Line Installation
Windows Command Line Installation Parameters
Parameter Meaning Description
Linux Installation
For SuSE Sles IA64, the command line is
New package is installed in the following directory
Available packages appear. For example
Solaris Installation
Solaris Sparc 8, 9, 10 Installation
To install SANsurfer FC HBA CLI, type the following
Solaris x86 9 and 10 Installation
Macintosh Installation
For example
Uninstalling SANsurfer FC HBA CLI
Linux Uninstall
Windows Uninstall
Standard GUI Uninstall
Command Line Uninstall
Solaris x86 8, 9, and 10 Uninstall
Solaris Sparc 8, 9, and 10 Uninstall
Macintosh Uninstall
Interactive Commands
General Information Host Information
Command Line Option -g
General Information Menu
Host Information
Command Line Option -tp -topology
Host Topology
General Information 2 Host Topology
Display Host Topology
SN0054614-00 F
Here is an example
Save As XML File
Command Line Option -b
Command Line Option
Save As Txt File
Generate Report Per HBA Port
Command Line Option -z
Save to XML File Format
Generate Report
‰ Wwpn
‰ Size ‰ Type
‰ HBA Part Number ‰ Port Number
SN0054614-00 F
Generate Report All HBAs
HBA Information Menu
HBA Alias
Command Line Option -ha
HBA General Information per HBA Port
HBA Information
HBA Port Alias
Command Line Option -pa
HBA VPD Information
Command Line Option -l and Reserved Word vpd
HBA Information n All HBAs
HBA Information All HBAs
HBA Parameters Menu
HBA Parameters n Port Instance
Command Line Option -c#
HBA Parameters Per HBA Port
Display HBA Parameters
Command Line Option -n
Configure HBA Parameters
Parameter Name Alias Value Description
HBA Parameters Settings Nvram
Connection Options
Data Rate
Frame Size
Enable Fibre Channel Tape Support
Loop Reset Delay
Enable HBA Port Bios
Enable HBA Hard Loop ID
Enable LIP Reset
Operation Mode
Interrupt Delay Timer
Login Retry Count
LUNs per Target
Enable LIP Full Login
Link Down Timeout
Enable Target Reset
Choose this option to stop without making any changes
Restore Defaults
Abort Changes
HBA Parameters All HBAs
Target/LUN List
Command Line Options -t and -l
Target/LUN List Menu
Target/LUN Information
Per Target/LUN
Target/LUN List Per HBA Port
Per Target/All LUNs
So on
„ Size „ Type
So on. Repeats for each LUN
All Targets
Target/LUN List All HBAs
Individual Target
Individual LUN
„ Status Here is an example of the Target information
Target/LUN List n Port Number
So forth
All LUNs
Target Link Speed or iiDMA Settings Menu
Command Line Option -q
Target Link Speed or 5 iiDMA Settings
Target Link Speed Settings Description
Configuring the iiDMA Settings
3lists the target link speed settings and descriptions
Target Link Speed Settings
HBA Port Instance
To use Basic Configuration
HBA Port
IiDMA Settings 1 n HBA Port n
Advanced Configuration
Target Link Speed 2 All HBAs
Target Link Speed All HBAs Basic Configuration
Target Link Speed All HBAs Advanced Configuration
Target Link Speed All HBAs
Target Persistent Bindings Menu
IiDMA Settings Disk
Command Line Option -p
Target Persistent Bindings Per HBA Port
Display Target Persistent Binding
Target Persistent Binding
Target Persistent Bindings Bind Targets
Target Persistent Binding p All HBAs
Target Persistent Binding FC Port Configuration
Target Persistent Binding Unbind Targets
Target Persistent Binding All HBAs
Selective LUNs Per HBA Port
Command Line Option -m
Target Persistent Binding Bind Targets
Selective LUNs Menu
Display LUN Configuration
Selective LUNs All HBAs
Selective LUNs 1 All HBAs
Command Line Option -e
Manual Configure LUNs
Auto Configure LUNs
Boot Device Menu
„ Wwpn
Boot Devices Per HBA Port
Configure Boot Devices
Boot Device Settings
LUN List Menu
Command Line Option -fg
Save Configuration
Boot Devices All HBAs
Driver Settings Menu
Parameter Name Alias Value Description Param name
Driver Settings
Flash Save Per HBA Port
Flash Update Per HBA Port or All HBAs
Command Line Option -b and Reserved Word save
Utilities Menu
HBA Parameters Update Per HBA Port or All HBAs
HBA Parameters Save Per HBA Port
HBA Parameters Template Per HBA or All HBAs
Using HBA Parameter Templates
Setting QLogic
Driver Rescan
Driver Update
Command Line Option -d
Command Line Option -rs
Locate HBA HBA Beacon
Command Line Option -a
Command Line Option -tb
Beacon Menu
Beacon Selected Targets
Diagnostics Menu
Command Line Options -kl, -kr, and -dm
HBA Diagnostics Configuration Settings
Diagnostics Loopback Test
Command Line Option -kl
Diagnostics n Port Number
Configure Loopback Test Parameters
SN0054614-00 F
Run Loopback Test
Diagnostics Read/Write Buffer Test
Configure Read/Write Test Parameters
SN0054614-00 F
SN0054614-00 F
SN0054614-00 F
Run Read/Write Buffer Test
Diagnostics Transceiver Details DMI
Command Line Option -dm
Transceiver Details General
Transceiver Details Details
SN0054614-00 F
SN0054614-00 F
Statistics Menu
Command Line Options -gs and -ls
Command Line Option -gs
Resetting to default settings..., done
Current Settings
Auto Poll
10. HBA Port Statistics Options
Set Rate
Log to File
Show HBA Statistics
Link Status
Command Line Option -ls
SANsurfer FC HBA CLI displays two polling options
Restore Default
Auto Poll Menu
11. Statistics/Link Status Options
Show Link Status
Command Line Option -vp
Virtual Menu
Virtual Menu
Scli -vp -h
Virtual Menu for HBA Instance
List Virtual Ports
Delete Virtual Ports
Create Virtual Ports
‰ Status Online or Loop Down Here is an example
Help Menu
Command Line Option -h
Auto Generate
User Generate
Exit Codes
Command Line Options -g, -z, and -tp
Command format to show host information is
Display System Information
Host Configuration
To show the information for all HBAs, type
Command Line Option -tp
Description See Section
Options Shown by -z
Command Summary
Command format for non-interactive mode is
„ -s= Silent mode see .3.28. For example
Variable Definition Format
2defines the command variables
Command Variables
View or Toggle Beacon Status
Save or Update the Flash Bios or Fcode
To view the HBA port’s LED Beacon state, type
To start or stop flashing the HBA’s LED beacon, type
To show the parameter settings for a specific HBA, type
Show Parameter Settings
Update Device Driver
To save the BIOS/FCode to a file, type
Display Diagnostics Monitoring Info
Boot Device View Select Disable
To show Transceiver monitoring detailed information, type
To view the current boot device selection on all HBAs
These commands
To disable delete the boot device for a specific HBA, type
List SANsurfer FC HBA CLI Error Codes
SANsurfer FC HBA CLI specifies command line input from file
Input Parameter Options from a Text File
3lists the driver configuration parameter names and aliases
Show Driver Settings
Configure Driver Settings
Type the following command to configure the driver settings
To view system information, type
For details of this command, see section
Display System Information
Show HBA Statistics
For example, typing scli -l-hshows
HBA Statistics Parameters
Type the following text to view the help file
Set Delete HBA Alias
Loopback Test
To show general or VPD information for a specific HBA, type
To do a loopback test with customized parameters, type
5lists all valid data patterns
DataPattern DP
For the loopback test, the data pattern is either
To enter a customized value in the range of 00-FF, type
Hex Binary
DataSize DS
Data Pattern Values
For the loopback test, the data size is either
Test Increment TI
OnError OE
For the loopback test, OnError is either
TestCount TC
Run a Loopback Test
OnError Values
Driver Versions Not Requiring a Loopback Connector
To do a loopback test using the current parameters, type
An example of a successful loopback test follows
To do a loopback test with custom parameters, type
Run HBA Diagnostics Loopback Test
Run Read/Write Buffer Test
To do a read/write test with customized parameters, type
HBA Wwpn
Run a Read/Write Buffer Test
An example of a successful read/write buffer test follows
Run HBA Diagnostics Read-write Buffer Test
Diagnostics Parameters
Name Alias Value Description
„ Status
Data Pattern DP Test Patterns
Display LUN Info
Display Link Status
To view the link status, type
10. Link Status Parameters
View, Enable, or Disable LUNs
To view all selective LUNs for all HBA ports, type
To view an HBA’s selective LUN list, type
To view the current select state of a specific LUN, type
To set a specific parameter on a specific HBA, type
To enable select all LUNs of all targets on a specific HBA
To restore the default Bios 4G HBAs only, type
Set Selected HBA Parameter
11. HBA Parameters
11lists the HBA parameter names and aliases
Output to a File
To show persistent binding information for all HBAs, type
Display Persistent Target Binding Info
To unbind a specific target, type
To bind a selected target to a specific HBA, type
To view a port alias for the specified HBA port, type
Define Port Alias
View or Set Target Link Speed
To delete a port alias for the specified HBA port, type
# scli -q HBA Instance HBA Wwpn Target Wwpn
To save the HBA parameters to a file, type
Update HBA Parameters
Silent Mode
To update the HBA Parameters, type
Target Beacon On/Off
Display Target Information
System shows the following information
Display Host Topology
Display Version
Virtual Port
Output in XML Format
To create a virtual port with an automatic WWPN, type
To create a virtual port with a specific WWPN, type
Display All HBA information for One or All HBAs
2 covers this command
Utility Header
Main Tag
XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
Reboot Message
Error Message
Status Message
XML format 1 for system information output is as follows
Display Adapter Settings
Command Line Option -c
XML Format 1 for adapter settings information is as follows
Display HBA Information
Here is the VPD information
Here is the information for the 4G HBAs
Target…/Target sequence is repeated for each HBA target
Command Line Option -t
Display Device List
XML Format 1 for adapter device information is as follows
Command Line Option -l
Display LUN List
Target Persistent Binding
Boot Device
XML Format 1 for the boot device information is as follows
Selective LUNs
XML Format 1 for the loopback test results is as follows
Diagnostics Results -Loopback Test
Diagnostics Results Read/Write Buffer Test
Command Line Option -kr
Non-interactive Description Section Option
View Driver Settings
Display All Information for One or All HBAs
Table A-1. Options Displayed by -z
XML Format 1 for all adapter information is as follows
XML Format XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
XML Format 1 for the HBA statistics option is as follows
Link Statistics
HBA Statistics
XML Format 1 for the link statistics option is as follows
XML Format 1 for the HBA port alias option is as follows
XML Format 1 for the HBA alias option is as follows
XML Format 1 for SFF DMI general information is as follows
XML Format XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
XML Format 1 XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
XML Format XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
XML Format 1 XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
Host Topology
XML Format 1 XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
InterConnectElement Status 0 /Status Reboot 0 /Reboot QLogic
Appendix B
XML2 Tags for Each Option
Command format is
XML Format 2 for SFF DMI general information is as follows
XML Format 2 for adapter settings information is as follows
XML Format 2 for the boot device information is as follows
XML Format 2 for SFF DMI detailed information is as follows
XML Format XML2 Tags for Each Option
XML Format 2 XML2 Tags for Each Option
Command format for a single HBAs is
Command format for all HBAs is
HBA Instance HBA Wwpn view ?
XML Format 2 for system information output is as follows
XML Format 2 for adapter general information is as follows
XML Format 2 for 4G HBAs is as follows
XML Format 2 for the loopback test results is as follows
Diagnostics Results Loopback Test
Target... /Target sequence repeats for each target
Scli -m all view ?
XML Format 2 for adapter device information is as follows
Non-interactive Setting Section Option
Table B-1. Options Displayed by -z
XML Format 2 for all adapter information is as follows
XML Format Display System Information Command Line Option -g
SN0054614-00 F
XML Format 2 for the link statistics option is as follows
Statistics.../ sequence repeats for each HBA
View HBA Alias
LinkStatus…/ parameter repeats for each link
XML Format 2 for the HBA statistics option is as follows
XML Format 2 for the HBA port alias option is as follows
SN0054614-00 F
Scli -tp
SN0054614-00 F
Return Name Description Code
Table C-1. Exit Code Descriptions Interactive Mode
Table D-1. Error Code Descriptions Non-interactive Mode
To see the interactive exit codes, see Appendix C
Code Name Description
Driver sys file is missing in the driver
Failed to save selective LUN configu
205 Reserved Not used 206 207 208 209 210
257 Reserved Not used 258 259 260
Table E-1. Help Commands
All file name
Command Arguments Function
Disable prim alt1 alt2
Param name param Alias param value Hba instance hba wwpn
Lun id view ? Hba instance hba wwpn
Target portid target id Hba instance hba wwpn
Portid All
Writes the output in XML format 1. Option
For the HBA and initializing and testing the HBAs ISP
Comma separated values CSV file
Red Hat/SuSE Linux, the driver layers include
Flash Prom contains the Bios code for the HBA
Fabric consists of cross-connected FC devices and switches
QLogic Fast!UTIL FC HBA Bios utility
Port in a fabric where an NPort can attach
As opposed to a SAN. See SAN Storage Area Network
Device’s Alpa on the loop
NPort ID Virtualization
Remote procedure call developed by Sun Microsystems
Network Interface Controller
Also FC-P2P. Two FC nodes directly connected not in a loop
SAN Storage Area Network
Index-2 SN0054614-00 F
SN0054614-00 F Index-3
Txt Xml 4-8 text 4-8 XML
Fg4-54,5-4,5-13,A-10,B-10 file
HBA hard loop ID 4-23host
SN0054614-00 F Index-7
Index-8 SN0054614-00 F
Definition of Glossary-6 layers, definition of Glossary-2
Index-10 SN0054614-00 F
Txt 4-8 text file