Software Considerations
This CMS release is available on both a single 3 and 1/2 inch disk (to be used with the 6300 WGS) and on two 5 1/4 inch disks (to be used with either the 6300 WGS or the PC 6300). Previous releases of CMS were on a single 5 1/4 inch disk.
New copy and installation procedures for both types of disks are described in this section.
IMPORTANT: Before installing the new Call Management System, you must delete all existing files from the CMSMGMT and CMSREPT directories of your earlier version of CMS. See “Step 4. Installing Your Software” in the Installation and Getting Started Guide for more information.
Once CMS is installed, the agent directories, line and station number assignments, thresholds, exceptions and other information must be entered into the new CMS from the keyboard.
Hardware Considerations
If you have been using an AT&T PC 6300 to manage CMS (or have purchased an AT&T 6300 WGS) and you have MERLIN II System Console to be used as an administrator attendant, you don’t require any more hardware. If using the PC 6300, make sure it has at least 512K RAM. If using the 6300 WGS, make sure it has the VDC 400 installed (not the VDC 750).
If you have an older version of CMS and have used a PC 6300 PLUS with it, you can remove the CMS expansion card and put it in the PC you will use with the new system.
You can use the same the voice announcement unit with the new CMS that you were using with your earlier version of CMS. You should, however, use the AT&T 473 printer.
The instructions in this manual refer to the 6300 WGS keyboard. However, the function, tab, shift, cursor directional, backspace, and enter keys function the same way on the PC 6300 keyboard. Only the key locations are different for each keyboard.
You can find keyboard illustrations in the Quick Reference Guide to Your PC Keyboard in Section 10 of this manual. You may want to make a copy the Quick Reference Guide to Your PC Keyboard and keep it handy.