Waiting Old | The number of seconds the current oldest call has |
| been waiting to be transferred to an agent in a |
| particular split. Call waiting time includes initial |
| ringing time and CMS hold time. The waiting |
| time ends when the call begins ringing at the |
| position of the agent who answers it. |
The following terms refer to data collected since the beginning of the hour.
Abandon Num | The number of abandoned calls for a particular |
| split. Abandoned calls include those that were |
| disconnected prior to being transferred to an agent |
| and those that were answered by an agent but |
| had a talk time less than the abandoned call |
| threshold. |
| Abandoned calls are credited to the main split, |
| even if the call was abandoned after being |
| intraflowed to the secondary split. |
Abandon Delay | The average number of seconds an abandoned call |
| spent in the system. |
Intraflow In | The number of serviced calls intraflowed into a |
| particular split from another split. Calls are |
| credited to the split after they are completed. |
Intraflow Out | The number of serviced calls originally meant for a |
| particular split but intraflowed to a secondary |
| split. Calls are credited to the split after they are |
| completed. |
Calls Handled Num
Calls Handled Avg Talk
The total number of ACD calls serviced by a split. This includes completed calls only.
The average time (in minutes and seconds) that agents in a particular split spent on each CMS call they completed. Talk time includes time that calls were put on hold by an agent.
Calls Handled | The average speed of answer for completed calls, |
ASA | which is the average number of seconds that these |
| calls waited for an agent. Waiting time includes |
| the initial ringing time, CMS hold time, and the |
| time the call rings at an agent’s voice terminal. |
| The waiting time for intraflowed calls is reflected |
| in the average speed of answer for the secondary |
| split, not the main split. |
Serv Levl | The service level is the percentage of calls |
| connected to an agent within the service level limit |
| set by the system administrator. This includes |
| completed calls only. |