Assigning Agent IDs
The first step in administering agents is creating a “master list” of agents on the Agent Directory screen. Later on, you assign these agents to splits (teams of agents) that answer calls that come in on lines assigned to line groups.
Each CMS agent needs a unique ID of up to 5 characters. You use this ID when you add, move, or remove an agent. Agents are also identified by ID in exception messages. You can assign up to 60 agent IDs. (Up to 28 agents can be active in a single shift configuration).
Pressing [ F2 ] (labeled “Agent Directry”) from the Administration Menu screen selects the Agent Directory screen, shown below. It lists all CMS agents alphabetical] y by last name. Use this screen to add agents, remove agents, or edit agent information.
Bon Voyage Travel | ADMIN CMSI IR2 l0:54a 06/13 |
Last Name | First | ID |
Anders | Harry | HARRY |
Bakerson | Tom | TOM |
Chanleys | Diane | DI |
Chapman | Charlie | CHUCK |
Claren | Clifford | CLIFF |
Clover | Ward | WARD |
E a s t t r e e | C l i v e | CLINT |
F i e l d i n g | S a l l y | SALLY |
F i e l d i n g | W i l l i a m | BILL |
Hall | Benny | BENNY |
Honelly | B i l l y J o e | BJ |
Kiley | Gene | GENE |
Kloner | Maxwell | MAX |
Mailer | Sam | SAM |
Last Name Middon 0’Rourke
P a n t i l l y P a t r i c k Peters
P i e r s
P r i c e
R i c e
R i c e
F i r s t | ID |
Beth | BETH |
Walter | WALT |
E r n i e | ERNIE |
Bob | BOB |
Norman | NORM |
B e n j a m i n | BEN |
Sherman | SHERM |
Nancy | NANCY |
Ronald | RON |
Diana | DIANA |
Carla | CARLA |
I k e | IKE |
Tina | TINA |
Debra | DEB |
| Add | F Remove | F Change |
| F10 | - Help |
F | F Config | F Admin | ||||
1 Agent | 2 Agent | 3 Agt Info | 7 Splits | 8 | Menu |
To use the Agent Directory screen:
●Press the function key for the activity you want to perform.
●Perform the activity using the instructions on the following pages.
●Press [ F8 ] (labeled “Admin Menu”) to return to the Administration Menu when you are finished.
[ F1 ] Add Agent. Use this function key to add new agents to the Agent Directory. This activity does not add agents to an active configuration; it merely identifies them in the Agent Directory.
HINT: If any agent is regularly assigned to more than one split, give that agent a different ID for each split. Then use the appropriate ID when you add the agent to a configuration. The different IDs permit separate tracking of the agent’s statistics in each split. For example, Tom works in split 1 sometimes and in split 4 other times. Tom’s supervisor added him to the directory once with the ID TOM1 and again as T0M4.
Assigning Agent IDs |