Cumulative Agent Split Summary
This report provides summary data on each agent in a given split over a specified period, from 2 to 93 consecutive days. The start and end date specified will be on the report.
The column headings in this report are the same as for the daily report; the totals under the headings will reflect the cumulative period of time specified. Also the Cumulative Agent Split Summary differs from the Daily Agent Split Summary as follows:
●Days for which no CMS data exists will not be included. A separate page at the completion of the report will contain a list of dates for which no CMS data exists.
●Hours for which a CMS agent did not work will not be included.
Daily Split Report
This report shows data for a particular split on an hourly basis. The column headings for the report table are explained below.
Time | The start time of each data collection hour. Hours |
| in which no agents were logged into the split are |
| not shown on the report. |
ACD CALLS Avg Speed Ans
The average speed of answering for all calls answered by agents in the split during a given hour. The ASA is determined by dividing the wait time for all completed calls in the split (initial ringing plus CMS hold time plus transfer ringing) by the number of completed calls.
ACD CALLS | The number of ACD calls which were |
Num Calls | disconnected before reaching the abandoned call |
Aband | threshold determined by the administrator. |
ACD CALLS | The total number of completed calls to agents |
Num ACD | during a given hour. Calls still in progress at the |
Calls | end of the hour are included in the next hour’s |
| data. The Num ACD Calls should be identical to |
| that shown in the Daily Agent Split Summary. |
ACD CALLS | The total number of completed calls intraflowed |
Flow In | from another split into this split during a given |
| hour. Intraflowed calls still in progress at the end |
| of the hour are included in the next hour’s data. |
CMS Reports