External Alert Problems
No warnings or direct adverse effects; however, when exception
thresholds are exceeded and this condition continues, CMS does not
operate efficiently.
PROBLEM: External Alert does not light when an exception occurs.
Possible cause
Alert is not connected to
port for which it was
Alert number is not
associated with any line
button number on the
Setting Exceptions
Faulty lamp
Corrective action
Check that the alert is connected to
port, or readminister to match the li
which it is connected.
the proper
ne port to
If alert is connected and administered correctly
and is associated with the correct line button
number, the lamp itself may need to be
replaced. Replace the lamp.
PROBLEM: External Alert stays on after all exceptions to which it has
been assigned have been brought below the exception thresholds.
Possible cause
Heavy call traffic can
cause a delay in turning
the external alert off.
Corrective action
Check to be sure all exceptions have indeed
stayed below their thresholds. If they have,
simply wait.
If the alert remains on more than 10 seconds
after all exceptions to which the alert has been
assigned stay below their thresholds, locate
each station where a console is connected.
Agents using consoles should not press the
alert button; supervisors can use the button to
test alert operation.
NOTE: A console (such as the MERLIN II
Display Console) shows all the line buttons for
lines assigned to the system, including the
alert line button. The alert line button has
been assigned to the line jack to which the
alert is connected. If agents whose consoles
provide access to the alert line button lift the
handset and press that button, the alert will
light up.
If the all connections and assignments are
correct and all agents with access to the alert
line button have their handsets on-hook, bring
CMS down and then start it again.
9-16 External Alert Problems