A Typical CMS Application
The following example shows how Bon Voyage Travel Agency, a hypothetical business, uses CMS.
CMS AND BON VOYAGE At Bon Voyage Travel, agents plan and book trips for several types of
TRAVELcustomers. Most of the travel agency’s orders are placed by phone, so CMS is an important part of the agency’s daily business transactions.
In order to handle three different types of customers and to manage the frequent overflow of calls, Bon Voyage’s CMS administrator has divided the telephone lines customers use into four line groups and organized the travel agents into four splits. Figure
FIGURE 2-1 Bon Voyage Travel’s CMS.
Special Line Group
Public Line Group
Charter Line Group
Corporate Line Group
T r a v e l S p l i t
S p l i t
T r a v e l S p l i t
Travel S p l i t
Calls routed to main spilt
Calls Intraflowed to secondary split
A Typical CMS Application