This section of the manual suggests corrective action for problems that may occur with your CMS.
It is organized as follows:
Startup Problems. Suggests corrective action for problems the CMS program detects during startup
Call Management Problems. Identifies problems that can cause CMS to stop managing calls and suggests corrective action
System Errors. Explains messages beginning SYSERR that may appear on your status screens and/or in the Events Log during CMS operation
Voice Announcement Unit Problems. Suggests corrective action for problems that can prevent the voice announcement unit from operating properly with CMS
External Alert Problems. Suggests corrective action for problems with the
Printer Problems, Identifies and suggests corrective action for problems that can prevent you from printing CMS screens or reports
Agent Problems. Anticipates and suggests solutions to problems you and your agents are most likely to encounter as you begin to use CMS
Managing Calls if CMS is Disabled. Tells you how to use your MERLIN II system components and features to manage calls until CMS is running again