3If you typed y to change mode, the prompt line reads:
change to Day Message and Press Any Key to Start Day Service.
When the prompt appears, the system stops answering ringing calls (that is, the calls keep ringing). Any calls already connected to the voice announcement unit stay connected until the message is finished, and are then disconnected.
When you change to the day message and press any key, the last configuration that was active on the system is activated again. Call management and data collection proceed as normal for Day Service, and the following message appears:
Day Service Now in Effect.
The word DAY appears on the ID line. When call management begins, all agents in the configuration are automatically in the logged out state, To become available to answer calls, they must touch their Available button.
4Press a function key to select another activity or screen.
CMS OPERATION DURING You can access all your status screens while CMS is in the Night Service
NIGHT SERVICEmode. If you start Night Service during a data collection hour, then for the rest of that hour the status screens show whatever Day Service data had been collected prior to the switchover, plus any Night Service data collected. After that, the screens show only Night Service data.
The System Status screen shows Night Service data for the number of busy lines and calls waiting. It shows agent status as “0th” if agents are on other than CMS calls, and as “Out” if agents are in night state. Time spent in night state is not counted as time logged in for reporting purposes.
The Split Status screen shows data for any “Other” calls placed during Night Service, and shows the appropriate agent status (”OtherCall” or “Night”) for each agent.
You can also access configuration screens during Night Service. Any changes you make on these screens do not influence Night Service operation, but do affect the last active configuration. If you return to Day Service, any changes you made and saved in the last active configuration will be in effect.