3Enter a group letter (A through D) for the group to be administered.
4Enter the number of seconds (O through 999), for the number of seconds agents are to be in the ACW state.
NOTE: “0” means the Auto ACW feature is not in effect.
5Press [ F8 ] (labeled “Enter Data”).
Administering Call Flow
The activities in administering call flow do the following:
●Assign a main split and an optional secondary split for each line group
●Turn intraflow on or off
●Set an intraflow threshold for each split
●Designate splits for
A main split has primary responsibility for answering calls for a line group (or groups). A secondary spit covers calls to a line group only if no agent in the main split is available. lntraflow is the process of transferring waiting calls from a main split to an available agent in the secondary split.
The intraflow threshold is the number of seconds a call in a main split must wait before it can be sent to an available agent (if there is one) in the secondary split. This waiting time begins when the call first rings. If calls already in the secondary split have exceeded the intraflow threshold, however, the secondary split will not accept intraflowed calls until the calls waiting have been answered. For a detailed description of how and when calls are intraflowed, see “How Intraflow Works” in this section of the manual. Consider these points when establishing your intrafiow threshold(s):
●How long do you want your customers to wait for an agent in the main split if there are agents available in your secondary split? Remember, the waiting time starts as soon as the call begins ringing. Answering this question helps determine a reasonable intraflow threshold for the main split.
●If your secondary split serves as a main split for another line group, you may not want that split to accept intraflowed calls if it is busy with its own calls. The secondary split’s intraflow threshold determines how long its own calls may wait before the split refuses to accept intraflowed calls. If a secondary split is not a main split as well, you don’t need to set a threshold for that split.
Pressing [ F3 ] (labeled “Call Flow”) on the Configuration screen selects the Configure Call Flow screen shown below.