5 If there is no agent available in the secondary split, the call remains waiting in the main split. The call will be answered by the first available agent in either the main split or the secondary split (if the secondary split’s intraflow threshold is not exceeded by another call).
HINT: If your only consideration in building a shift configuration is to have every call answered as quickly as possible by any available agent, you can assign all of your agents to one split and make that split the main split for all of your line groups.
You cannot have more than 28 agents in a split, If you assign all 28 to one split, there will be no agents in other splits to receive intraflow calls. Therefore, there are no secondary splits and you would not need to administer for intraflow in that shift configuration.
To administer Call Flow or
[ F1 ] Assign Splits. Use this function key to assign main splits and secondary splits to line groups. Initially, all splits are unassigned; you choose which split answers calls for each line group. If you do not want to assign a secondary split, leave that field blank. To remove a secondary split already assigned to the line group, type a hyphen in that field.
Prompt: | ASSIGN SPLITS: Line Group Letter: _ Main Split #: _ | |||
| Secondary Split #: _ | |||
Action: | 1 | Enter a line group letter (A through D). | ||
| 2 | Enter the number of the main split (1 through 6) that will | ||
| answer calls for the line group. (Leaving the field blank leaves | ||
| it unchanged, ) | ||
| 3 | Enter a secondary split number, or enter a hyphen if you do | ||
| not want to assign a secondary split for intraflow. (Leaving | ||
| the field blank leaves it unchanged.) | ||
| 4 | Press [ F8 ] (labeled “Enter Data”). | ||
[ F2 ] Flow On/Off. Use this function key to turn intraflow on or off for a particular line group. Each line group’s intraflow status appears in the Intraflow column of the Call Flow area of the screen.
Prompt: CHANGE INTRAFLOW: Line Group Letter: _
Action: 1 Enter a line group letter (A through D).
2Press [ F8 ] (labeled “Enter Data”). The intraflow designation for that line group automatically changes from Off to On or vice versa.