Administering Lines and Line Groups
Your CMS supports up to 28 telephone lines. You can arrange your lines in up to four line groups. If you want, you can assign all your lines to a single line group. YOU should have determined the following information when you filled out the Line Groups Planning Form in the MERLIN II Communications System Planning Guide for the Call Management System:
●How many departments or predefine groups of agents will need CMS lines.
The number of line groups you need depends, in part, on the number of departments or groups of agents requiring CMS lines.
All lines whose telephone numbers are published for a particular department or product, or that are part of a hunt group, should belong to the same line group.
●How you want summary statistics organized.
If you want to keep statistics for certain lines together, assign those lines to their own line groups. For example, if the Sales Department handles four local lines and two WATS lines, you may want to place the local lines in one group and the WATS line in another in order to get separate summary reports on each type of line.
You should have also determined which lines should have priority status. If you have lines that should be answered before other lines in a line group, such as 800 numbers that you pay for or a line for special customers, you can assign priority status to those lines. Remember, though, that true priority decreases in proportion to the number of lines to which you assign it.
Pressing [ F3 ] (labeled “Lines/Groups”) on the Administration Menu screen selects the Administer Lines and Line Groups screen. Use the following screen to do any of the following:
Identify the MERLIN II system lines that are part of CMS.
Identify priority lines (lines that are answered first).
Assign lines to line groups.
Change line IDs.
Assign or change line group IDs.