ACD Calls | The number of ACD calls that the agent did not |
Rfusd | answer. |
Other Num | The number of completed other than ACD calls |
| the agent has made or received. |
Other AvgTlk | The average amount of time (in minutes and |
| seconds) the agent has spent on completed |
| “other” calls. This includes any time during |
| which the agent placed the calls on hold. |
The top right section of the screen summarizes calls waiting for all splits.
Waiting Num | The number of calls in a split that are ringing, |
| connected to the delay message, or on hold |
| waiting for an agent. |
Waiting Old | The number of seconds the current oldest call has |
| been waiting to be answered by an agent in a |
| particular split. |
The bottom right section of the screen shows how splits are assigned to line groups and whether intraflow is turned on for each split.