Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6 7-45

Unstructured DS3 SAM

Table 7-3: Unstructured DS3 SAM Diagnostics Configuration

Network RAI Auto
X-bits 1
X-bits 0
Indication (RAI) configuration. Allows user configuration of the X-bits
associated with C-bi t parity fram ing. Auto makes it transparent; the other ch oices
set the X-bits to either 1 or 0.

Service RAI Auto

X-bits 1

X-bits 0

Indication (RAI) configuration. Allows user configuration of the X-bits
associated with C-bi t parity fram ing. Auto makes it transparent; the other ch oices
set the X-bits to either 1 or 0.
Item Options Comments
Automatic FEAC Alarms Activate/Deactivate Activates or deactivates Far End Alarm and
Control Channel (FEAC) alarms. FEAC alarms
can only be active when the port is configured
for C-bit parity fram ing. Activate to dete ct and
transmit RAI as applicable and detect FEAC
channel activate/deactivate commands
Network FEAC Loopback Activate/Deactivate Activate se nds a FEAC command to the fa r end
network equipment to go into network
loopback. Deactivate sends a FEAC command
to go out of network loopback. Only active
when port is configured for C-bit parity. The
receive code generated is DS3 Out of Frame
Service FEAC Loopback Activate/Deactivate Activate se nds a FEAC command to the fa r end
service equipment to go into service loopback.
Deactivate sends a FEAC command to go out
of service loopback. Only active when port is
configured for C-bit parity.
Network BERT Test Activate/Deactivate BERT test can only be performed when the
port is configured for C-bit parity framing.
Causes the port to generate a 2e23 pseudo-
random test pattern to the ATM network.
Service BERT Te st Activate/Deactivate Same as network BERT test except it goes to
the service equipment. These tests can be
monitored from CAMMI following the
selection sequence: system management
monitor activity slot statistics DS3 SAM
Port # Port Counters
Item Options Comments