Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6 F-3
IPv6 Support
Deleting an IPv6 Address
Physical Address : 00:e0:97:6b:7f:fe
MTU Size : 1500
Packets received : 23
Packets sent : 2
Mcast Packets received : 0
Mcast Packets sent : 0
Total Bytes received : 1480
Total Bytes sent : 64
Input errors : 0
Output errors : 0
Packets dropped on input : 0

Deleting an IPv6 Address

To delete the IPv6 address from an Ethernet interface, from the Broadmore shell issue

the command ifconf6 with the argument -d. For example:

Broadmore->ifconf6 1 -d 3ffe:0:0:13::5