Chassis Differences
Software Differences
Software Differences
Software release v3.4.1 was introduced to support the
The CPU module can be moved between different chassis but it must be configured to recognize the chassis in which it is installed. The chassis version is specified by the presence of a file pointer in the \CAM directory. For example, a
To change the file pointer in the CPU, perform the following steps:
1.Log in as a Superuser. The default login is: SYSADMIN and password: INITIAL
2.From the operating system prompt, enter cd cam
3.Type dir and look for one of the following files: CAM7665.17A, CAM7665.17B, or CAM7665.17C
4.If the file name does not correspond to the chassis in which the CPU is installed, the file must be renamed. For example, to change the chassis version from 17A to 17C, enter the following command: mv CAM7665.17A CAM7665.17C
5.If no file can be found, it can be created using the touch command. For example, to create a file for the 17C chassis, enter the command: touch CAM7665.17C
A CPU shipped with a Broadmore 500 will have the file CAM7665.5, which tells the CPU to recongnize only the first 5 module slots. This file can also be changed as described above if the CPU is installed in a different chassis.
Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6 |