Broadmore Command List
Commands Available at the Command Prompt
Commands Available at the Command Prompt
The commands listed below are available immediately after you log into the Broadmore.
Type ‘help’ at the command prompt to view the list of commands. You can also type ‘help command’ to obtain help on any of the listed commands.
arp | netStackUdpStatsShow |
cammi | netstat |
cat | ping |
cd | ping6 |
chargen6tcp | prefixListShow |
chargen6udp | pwd |
cli | rd |
cmp | resetSecurID |
comp | resetSecurIDIp |
copy | rm |
cp | rmdir |
daytime6tcp | route |
daytime6udp | route6 |
del | savert |
dir | scp |
du | selftest |
echo | setbaud |
fipsmode | setenv |
head | settimeout |
help | setwrite |
icmp6StatsShow | showconfig |
ifconf | sigmem |
ifconf6 | snmpinit |
in6AddrShow | sntpGet |
ip6StatsShow | sntpShow |
ls | sshdSessionShow |
mbStatsShow | sshdShow |
md | tail |
Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6 |