User Interface Requirements
User Interface Requirements
Communicate with the CPU to complete configuration actions in one of several ways. An
NOTE: We do not recommend using Microsoft Hyperterm due to unsatisfactory terminal emulation.
Remote execution can be accomplished via a Telnet client application configured as a VT100 terminal. An SNMP connection can be established via Ethernet to the CPU IOM, via CIP (RFC 1577), or via LANE.
NOTE: In a Broadmore system with redundant CPUs, the primary IP address is used to log into the online CPU and the secondary IP address is used to log into the standby CPU.
CAMMI is used throughout this manual. The CLI (Chapter 9) supports the same command set as CAMMI, however the CLI is a pure text interface.
Reset the terminal preference font if the borders are not solid lines. Depending on the terminal emulation application, ANSI BBS may also be more satisfactory.
Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6 |