' . "\r\n"; ' . "\r\n";"> HP Integrated Lights-Out </LOCFG, 256 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out, <LOCFG version="2.21"/> <RIBCL version="2.0, print $client '<LOCFG version="2.21">' . "\r\n";
256 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out

For customers using a utility other than cpqlocfg.exe, such as Perl scripts, the following steps can help ensure the iLO firmware returns properly formatted XML. Assuming the version of firmware is 1.50, <LOCFG version="2.21"> should be incorporated into the script sent to iLO. This tag can be placed in either the Perl script or the XML script. Placement of this tag is important. If placing this tag in the Perl script, the tag should be sent after <?xml version="1.0"?> and before the XML script is sent. If placing the tag in the XML script, the tag should be placed before <RIBCL version="2.0">. If you are using the Perl script provided by HP, then the bold line in the following example can be added to return properly formatted XML syntax.

Perl script modification

# Open the SSL connection and the input file

my $client = new IO::Socket::SSL->new(PeerAddr => $host);

open(F, "<$file") die "Can't open $file\n";

# Send the XML header and begin processing the file print $client '<?xml version="1.0"?>' . "\r\n"; #Send tag to iLO firmware to insure properly formatted XML is returned.

print $client '<LOCFG version="2.21">' . "\r\n";

XML script modification


The bold line could be added for the return of properly formatted XML.


<LOCFG version="2.21"/> <RIBCL version="2.0">

<LOGIN USER_LOGIN="Adminname" PASSWORD = "password"> <!--

Add XML script here. -->