382 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out
−Mozilla 1.6
−Mozilla 1.7 RC3
−Netscape 7.1
•Red Hat 8 Professional
−Mozilla 1.6
−Mozilla 1.7 RC3
−Netscape 7.1
•SuSE 9 Professional
−Mozilla 1.7 RC3
−Netscape 7.1
•United Linux 1.0 Professional
−Mozilla 1.7 RC3
−Netscape 7.1
Inability to Navigate the Single Cursor of the Remote Console to Corners of the Remote Console Window
In some cases, you may be unable to navigate the mouse cursor to the corners of the Remote Console window. If so,
If the mouse still fails to operate correctly, or if this situation occurs frequently, verify that your mouse settings match those recommended in the "Optimizing Performance for Graphical Remote Console (on page 54)" section.