48 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out

Other logged events include any successful or unsuccessful browser and Remote Console logins, virtual power and power cycle events, and clear event log actions. Some configuration changes, such as creating or deleting a user, are also logged.

iLO provides secure password encryption, tracking all login attempts and maintaining a record of all login failures. When login attempts fail, iLO also generates alerts and sends them to a remote management console.

1.Click Clear Event Log to clear the event log of all previously logged information.

2.Click OK to confirm that you want to clear the event log. A line indicating that the log has been cleared is logged.

Events logged by higher versions of iLO firmware may not be supported by lower version firmware. If an event is logged by an unsupported firmware, the event will be listed as UNKNOWN EVENT TYPE. You may clear the event log to eliminate these entries, or update firmware to the latest supported version to resolve this cosmetic issue.

Integrated Management Log

The IML is a record of significant events that have occurred to the host platform. The events are generated by the system ROM and by services like the System Management (Health) driver. iLO manages the IML, which can be accessed by using a supported browser, even when the server is off. This capability can be helpful when troubleshooting remote host server problems.

The IML enables you to view logged remote server events. Logged events include all server-specific events recorded by the system health driver, including operating system information and ROM-based POST codes. For more information, refer to the server guide.

1.Click Clear Event Log to clear the event log of all previously logged information.

2.Click OK to confirm that you want to clear the event log. A line indicating that the log has been cleared is logged.