210 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out

4. Enter your Login Name>Password and click Find.

IMPORTANT: The HPQLOMIG wizard assumes a common user name and password for management processors are employed. If unique user names and passwords are used, the command line version of the migration utility should be used.

Upgrading Firmware on Management Processors

The upgrade firmware screen enables you to update the management processors to the firmware version that supports directories. This screen also enables you to designate the location of the firmware image for each management processor by either typing the path or clicking Browse.

IMPORTANT: Binary images of the firmware for the management processors are required to be accessible from the system that is running the migration utility. These binary images can be downloaded from the

H(http://www.hp.com/servers/lights-out)P website.

Management Processor

Minimum Firmware Version















The upgrade process might take a long time, depending on the number of management processors selected. The firmware upgrade of a single management processor can take as long as five minutes to complete. If an upgrade fails, a message is displayed in the Results column and HPQLOMIG continues to upgrade the other discovered management processors.

IMPORTANT: HP recommends testing the upgrade process and verifying the results in a test environment before running the utility on a production network. An incomplete transfer of the firmware image to a management processor could result in having to locally reprogram the management processor using a floppy diskette.

To upgrade the firmware on your management processors:

1.Select the management processors to be upgraded.

2.For each discovered management processor type, enter the correct pathname to the firmware image or browse to the image.