264 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out
Start the HPONCFG configuration utility from the command line. When using Microsoft® Windows®, cmd.exe is available by selecting Start>Run>cmd. HPONCFG displays a usage page if HPONCFG is entered with no command line parameters. HPONCFG accepts a correctly formatted XML script. Refer to the "Remote Insight Command Language (on page 269)" section for more information on formatting XML scripts. HPONCFG sample scripts are included in the HPONCFG package.
The command line format is:
HPONCFG [/help][/?][/reset][/f filename][/l filename][/w filename][/get_hostinfo][/m firmwarelevel][/mouse /mouse /dualcursor /mouse /allusers]
HPONCFG Command Line Parameters
HPONCFG accepts the following command line parameters:
Example HPNOCFG command line: