| Troubleshooting iLO | 367 |
| Event Log Display | Event Log Explanation |
| iLO reset for ROM upgrade | Displays when iLO is reset for the ROM upgrade. |
| iLO reset by user diagnostics | Displays when iLO is reset by user diagnostics. |
| Power restored to iLO | Displays when the power is restored to iLO. |
| iLO reset by watchdog | Displays when an error has occurred in iLO and |
| iLO has reset itself. If this problem persists, call |
| customer support. |
| iLO reset by host | Displays when the server resets iLO. |
| Recoverable iLO error, code # | Displays when a |
| iLO and iLO has reset itself. If this problem |
| persists, call customer support. |
| SNMP trap delivery failure: IP address | Displays when the SMNP trap does not connect to |
| the specified IP address. |
| Test SNMP trap alert failed for: IP address | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| the specified IP address. |
| Power outage SNMP trap alert failed for: IP | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| address | the specified IP address. |
| Server reset SNMP trap alert failed for: IP | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| address | the specified IP address. |
| Illegal login SNMP trap alert failed for: IP | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| address | the specified IP address. |
| Diagnostic error SNMP trap alert failed for: IP | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| address | the specified IP address. |
| Host generated SNMP trap alert failed for: IP | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| address | the specified IP address. |
| Network resource shortage SNMP trap alert | Displays when the SNMP trap does not connect to |
| failed for: IP address | the specified IP address. |
| iLO network link up | Displays when the network is connected to iLO. |
| iLO network link down | Displays when the network is not connected |
| to iLO. |
| iLO Firmware upgrade started by: User | Displays when a user starts a firmware upgrade. |
| Host server reset by: User | Displays when a user resets the host server. |
| Host server powered OFF by: User | Displays when a user powers off a host server. |
| Host server powered ON by: User | Displays when a user powers on a host server. |