Using the Multipurpose Feeder
Using theMultipurpose
FeederAfter loading print material in the multipurpose feeder,
select the paper sourcefrom your software application,
and then select the paper size and type fromboth your
softwareapplication and from the operator panel.
Note: Software settings may
override operatorpanel settings. To set t he ope rato r pan el:
1Make sure the PAPE R SIZE for the multipurpose
feeder (MP Feeder Size)is set to the correct size for
the print material you are loading.
2Make sure the PAPERTYPE for the multipurpose
feeder (MPFeeder Type) is set to the correct value
for the print material you are loading.
3Make sure the PAPERLENGTH for the PAPER TYPE
in the multipurpose feeder is set to the correct
value for the print material you are loading.
Printmaterial 152.4 mm (6 in.) or less in length must
exit to the rearoutput b in. See “Using the
Rear Output Bin”on page 134 for more information.
4Press Go to return the printer to the Ready state.