Dialing Methods
Chain Dialing
Chain Dialing allows you to dial numbers that may require many digits with pauses for voice prompts or variations in number sequences. You can combine sets of numbers (Speed Dialing, One Touch Dialing, Alpha Dialing, and Keypad Dialing) and pauses by first pressing the Chain key.
To Chain Dial:
1. Load the document face down in the Document Tray.
12-01-1999 13:47 Ready
Free Memory100% Dial or press Copy
2.Select the desired Resolution and Contrast.
Chain Dial
Chain dial
Enter fax number
or press Phonebook key or one touch key
4. To enter a One Touch, press the One Touch key.
To use the Numeric Keypad, enter the number and press Enter
To use Speed Dial or Alpha Dial, press Speed Dial. Select
or | , enter the Speed Dial number or select the Alpha name, |
and press Enter.
Note: Press the Redial/Pause key to enter a pause between numbers.
WorkCentre Pro 665/685/765/785 |