Bits | Field | Meaning† |
FNC | Instruction class: |
| ||
| Contents | Meaning for | Meaning for |
| Opcode 1616 | Opcode 1416 |
| 0000 | ADDx | Reserved |
| 0001 | SUBx | Reserved |
| 0010 | MULx | Reserved |
| 0011 | DIVx | Reserved |
| 0100 | CMPxUN | ITOFS/ITOFT |
| 0101 | CMPxEQ | Reserved |
| 0110 | CMPxLT | Reserved |
| 0111 | CMPxLE | Reserved |
| 1000 | Reserved | Reserved |
| 1001 | Reserved | Reserved |
| 1010 | Reserved | Reserved |
| 1011 | Reserved | SQRTS/SQRTT |
| 1100 | CVTxS | Reserved |
| 1101 | Reserved | Reserved |
| 1110 | CVTxT | Reserved |
| 1111 | CVTxQ | Reserved |
†Encodings for the instructions CVTST and CVTST/S are exceptions to this table; use the encodings in Section C.1.