C.7 OpenVMS Alpha PALcode Instruction Summary
Mnemonic | Opcode | Description |
AMOVRM | 00.00A1 | Atomic move from register to memory |
AMOVRR | 00.00A0 | Atomic move from register to register |
BPT | 00.0080 | Breakpoint |
BUGCHK | 00.0081 | Bugcheck |
CHMK | 00.0083 | Change mode to kernel |
CHME | 00.0082 | Change mode to executive |
CHMS | 00.0084 | Change mode to supervisor |
CHMU | 00.0085 | Change mode to user |
CLRFEN | 00.00AE | Clear |
GENTRAP | 00.00AA | Generate software trap |
IMB | 00.0086 | |
INSQHIL | 00.0087 | Insert into longword queue at head interlocked |
INSQHILR | 00.00A2 | Insert into longword queue at head interlocked resident |
INSQHIQ | 00.0089 | Insert into quadword queue at head interlocked |
INSQHIQR | 00.00A4 | Insert into quadword queue at head interlocked resident |
INSQTIL | 00.0088 | Insert into longword queue at tail interlocked |
INSQTILR | 00.00A3 | Insert into longword queue at tail interlocked resident |
INSQTIQ | 00.008A | Insert into quadword queue at tail interlocked |
INSQTIQR | 00.00A5 | Insert into quadword queue at tail interlockedresident |
INSQUEL | 00.008B | Insert entry into longword queue |
INSQUEL/D | 00.008D | Insert entry into longword queue deferred |
INSQUEQ | 00.008C | Insert entry into quadword queue |
INSQUEQ/D | 00.008E | Insert entry into quadword queue deferred |
PROBER | 00.008F | Probe for read access |
PROBEW | 00.0090 | Probe for write access |
RD_PS | 00.0091 | Move processor status |
READ_UNQ | 00.009E | Read unique context |
REI | 00.0092 | Return from exception or interrupt |
REMQHIL | 00.0093 | Remove from longword queue at head interlocked |
REMQHILR | 00.00A6 | Remove from longword queue at head interlocked resident |
REMQHIQ | 00.0095 | Remove from quadword queue at head interlocked |
REMQHIQR | 00.00A8 | Remove from quadword queue at head interlocked resident |
REMQTIL | 00.0094 | Remove from longword queue at tail interlocked |
REMQTILR | 00.00A7 | Remove from longword queue at tail interlocked resident |
REMQTIQ | 00.0096 | Remove from quadword queue at tail interlocked |
REMQTIQR | 00.00A9 | Remove from quadword queue at tail interlocked resident |
REMQUEL | 00.0097 | Remove entry from longword queue |
REMQUEL/D | 00.0099 | Remove entry from longword queue deferred |
REMQUEQ | 00.0098 | Remove entry from quadword queue |
REMQUEQ/D | 00.009A | Remove entry from quadword queue deferred |
RSCC | 00.009D | Read system cycle counter |
SWASTEN | 00.009B | Swap AST enable for current mode |
WRITE_UNQ | 00.009F | Write unique context |
WR_PS_SW | 00.009C | Write processor status software field |