Mnemonic | Operation and Description |
RD_PS | Read processor status |
| RD_PS writes the Processor Status (PS) to register R0. |
READ_UNQ | Read unique context |
| READ_UNQ reads the hardware process (thread) unique context value, if |
| previously written by WRITE_UNQ, and places that value in R0. |
REI | Return from exception or interrupt |
| The PS, PC, and saved R2..R7 are popped from the current stack and held in |
| temporary registers. The new PS is checked for validity and consistency. If it |
| is valid and consistent, the current stack pointer is then saved and a new stack |
| pointer is selected. Registers R2 through R7 are restored by using the saved |
| values held in the temporary registers. A check is made to determine if an |
| AST or interrupt is pending.If the enabling conditions are present for an inter- |
| rupt or AST at the completion of this instruction, the interrupt or AST occurs |
| before the next instruction. |
REMQHIL | Remove from longword queue at header, interlocked |
| The |
| removed from the queue, and the address of the removed entry is returned in |
| R1. The removal is interlocked to prevent concurrent interlocked insertions or |
| removals at the head or tail of the same queue by another process, in a multi- |
| processor environment. The removal is a noninterruptible operation. |
REMQHILR | Remove from longword queue at header, interlocked resident |
| The queue entry following the header, pointed to by R16, is removed from the |
| |
| The removal is interlocked to prevent concurrent interlocked insertions or |
| removals at the head or tail of the same queue by another process, in a multi- |
| processor environment. The removal is a noninterruptible operation. This |
| instruction requires that the queue be |
| header and elements are |
REMQHIQ | Remove from quadword queue at header, interlocked |
| The |
| removed from the queue and the address of the removed entry is returned in |
| R1. The removal is interlocked to prevent concurrent interlocked insertions or |
| removals at the head or tail of the same queue by another process, in a multi- |
| processor environment. The removal is a noninterruptible operation. |