The Alpha architecture lets these functions be implemented in standard machine code that is resident in main memory. PALcode is written in standard machine code with some implemen-
For example, in a MOS VLSI implementation, a small
An Alpha Privileged Architecture Library (PALcode) of routines and environments is supplied by Compaq. Other systems may use a library supplied by Compaq or architect and implement a different library of routines. Alpha systems are required to support the replacement of PAL- code defined by Compaq with an operating
6.3 PALcode Environment
The PALcode environment differs from the normal environment in the following ways:
•Complete control of the machine state.
•Interrupts are disabled.
Complete control of the machine state allows all functions of the machine to be controlled. Disabling interrupts allows the system to provide
6.4 Special Functions Required for PALcode
PALcode uses the Alpha instruction set for most of its operations. A small number of addi- tional functions are needed to implement the PALcode. Five opcodes are reserved to implement PALcode functions: PAL19, PAL1B, PAL1D, PAL1E, and PAL1F. These instruc- tions produce an trap if executed outside the PALcode environment.
•PALcode needs a mechanism to save the current state of the machine and dispatch into PALcode.
•PALcode needs a set of instructions to access hardware control registers.