Mnemonic | Operation and description |
tbia | Translation buffer invalidate all |
| The tbia instruction invalidates all translations and virtual cache blocks within |
| the processor. |
tbim | Translation buffer invalidate multiple |
| The tbim instruction invalidates multiple virtual translations for the current |
| ASN. The translation for the virtual address must be invalidated in all processor |
| translation buffers and virtual caches. |
tbimasn | Translation buffer invalidate multiple for ASN |
| The tbimasn instruction invalidates multiple virtual translations for a specified |
| ASN. The translation for the virtual addresses must be invalidated in all proces- |
| sor translation buffers and virtual caches. |
tbis | Translation buffer invalidate single |
| The tbis instruction invalidates a single virtual translation. The translation for |
| the passed virtual address must be invalidated in all processor translation buff- |
| ers and virtual caches. |
tbisasn | Translation buffer invalidate single for ASN |
| The tbisasn instruction invalidates a single virtual translation for a specified |
| address space. The translation for the passed virtual address must be invali- |
| dated in all processor translation buffers and virtual caches. |
wrentry | Write kernel exception entry routine |
| The wrentry instruction provides the registry of exception handling routines for |
| the exception classes. The kernel must use wrentry to register an exception han- |
| dler for each of the exception classes. |
wrmces | Write the machine check error summary register |
| The wrmces instruction writes new values for the MCES internal processor |
| register and returns the previous values of that register. |
wrperfmon | Write performance counter interrupt control information |
| The wrperfmon instruction writes control information for the two processor |
| performance counters. One parameter identifies the selected performance |
| counter, while another controls whether the selected performance counter is |
| enabled or disabled. The instruction returns the previous enable state for the |
| selected performance counter. |