Table C–2: Common Architecture Instructions (Continued)
Mnemonic | Format | Opcode | Description |
CVTGQ | 15.0AF | Convert G_floating to quadword | |
CVTLQ | 17.010 | Convert longword to quadword | |
CVTQF | 15.0BC | Convert quadword to F_floating | |
CVTQG | 15.0BE | Convert quadword to G_floating | |
CVTQL | 17.030 | Convert quadword to longword | |
CVTQS | 16.0BC | Convert quadword to S_floating | |
CVTQT | 16.0BE | Convert quadword to T_floating | |
CVTST | 16.2AC | Convert S_floating to T_floating | |
CVTTQ | 16.0AF | Convert T_floating to quadword | |
CVTTS | 16.0AC | Convert T_floating to S_floating | |
DIVF | 15.083 | Divide F_floating | |
DIVG | 15.0A3 | Divide G_floating | |
DIVS | 16.083 | Divide S_floating | |
DIVT | 16.0A3 | Divide T_floating | |
ECB | Mfc | 18.E800 | Evict cache block |
EQV | Opr | 11.48 | Logical equivalence |
EXCB | Mfc | 18.0400 | Exception barrier |
EXTBL | Opr | 12.06 | Extract byte low |
EXTLH | Opr | 12.6A | Extract longword high |
EXTLL | Opr | 12.26 | Extract longword low |
EXTQH | Opr | 12.7A | Extract quadword high |
EXTQL | Opr | 12.36 | Extract quadword low |
EXTWH | Opr | 12.5A | Extract word high |
EXTWL | Opr | 12.16 | Extract word low |
FBEQ | Bra | 31 | Floating branch if = zero |
FBGE | Bra | 36 | Floating branch if ≥ zero |
FBGT | Bra | 37 | Floating branch if > zero |
FBLE | Bra | 33 | Floating branch if ≤ zero |
FBLT | Bra | 32 | Floating branch if < zero |
FBNE | Bra | 35 | Floating branch if ≠ zero |
FCMOVEQ | 17.02A | FCMOVE if = zero | |
FCMOVGE | 17.02D | FCMOVE if ≥ zero | |
FCMOVGT | 17.02F | FCMOVE if > zero | |
FCMOVLE | 17.02E | FCMOVE if ≤ zero | |
FCMOVLT | 17.02C | FCMOVE if < zero | |
FCMOVNE | 17.02B | FCMOVE if ≠ zero | |
FETCH | Mfc | 18.8000 | Prefetch data |
FETCH_M | Mfc | 18.A000 | Prefetch data, modify intent |
FTOIS | 1C.78 | Floating to integer move, S_floating | |
FTOIT | 1C.70 | Floating to integer move, T_floating | |
IMPLVER | Opr | 11.6C | Implementation version |
INSBL | Opr | 12.0B | Insert byte low |
INSLH | Opr | 12.67 | Insert longword high |
INSLL | Opr | 12.2B | Insert longword low |
INSQH | Opr | 12.77 | Insert quadword high |
INSQL | Opr | 12.3B | Insert quadword low |
INSWH | Opr | 12.57 | Insert word high |
INSWL | Opr | 12.1B | Insert word low |
ITOFF | 14.014 | Integer to floating move, F_floating | |
ITOFS | 14.004 | Integer to floating move, S_floating | |
ITOFT | 14.024 | Integer to floating move, T_floating | |
JMP | Mbr | 1A.0 | Jump |
JSR | Mbr | 1A.1 | Jump to subroutine |
JSR_COROUTINE | Mbr | 1A.3 | Jump to subroutine return |
Instruction Summary