The instruction format is listed under the instruction symbol. The symbols in Table
Table C–6: Opcode Summary
| 00 | 08 | 10 | 18 | 20 | 28 | 30 | 38 |
0/8 | PAL* | LDA | INTA* | MISC* | LDF | LDL | BR | BLBC |
| (pal) | (mem) | (op) | (mem) | (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
1/9 | Res | LDAH | INTL* | \PAL\ | LDG | LDQ | FBEQ | BEQ |
| (mem) | (op) |
| (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
2/A | Res | LDBU | INTS* | JSR* | LDS | LDL_L | FBLT | BLT |
| (mem) | (op) | (mem) | (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
3/B | Res | LDQ_U | INTM* | \PAL\ | LDT | LDQ_L | FBLE | BLE |
| (mem) | (op) |
| (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
4/C | Res | LDWU | ITFP* | FPTI* | STF | STL | BSR | BLBS |
| (mem) |
| (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
5/D | Res | STW | FLTV* | \PAL\ | STG | STQ | FBNE | BNE |
| (mem) | (op) |
| (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
6/E | Res | STB | FLTI* | \PAL\ | STS | STL_C | FBGE | BGE |
| (mem) | (op) |
| (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
7/F | Res | STQ_U | FLTL* | \PAL\ | STT | STQ_C | FBGT | BGT |
| (mem) | (op) |
| (mem) | (mem) | (br) | (br) |
Table C–7: Key to Opcode Summary
Symbol | Meaning |
FLTL* | |
FPTI* | |
INTA* | Integer arithmetic instruction opcodes |
INTL* | Integer logical instruction opcodes |
INTM* | Integer multiply instruction opcodes |
INTS* | Integer shift instruction opcodes |
ITFP* | Integer to |
JSR* | Jump instruction opcodes |
MISC* | Miscellaneous instruction opcodes |
PAL* | PALcode instruction (CALL_PAL) opcodes |
\PAL\ | Reserved for PALcode |
Res | Reserved for Compaq |
Instruction Summary