Bit Description
5Inexact result enable (INEE)
Initiate an INE exception if the result of a floating arithmetic or conversion opera- tion differs from the mathematically exact result.
4Underflow enable (UNFE)
Initiate a UNF exception if a floating arithmetic or conversion operation under- flows the destination exponent.
3Overflow enable (OVFE)
Initiate an OVF exception if a floating arithmetic or conversion operation over- flows the destination exponent.
2Division by zero enable (DZEE)
Initiate a DZE exception if an attempt is made to perform a floating divide opera- tion with a divisor of zero.
1Invalid operation enable (INVE)
Initiate an INV exception if an attempt is made to perform a floating arithmetic, conversion, or comparison operation, and one or more of the operand values is illegal.
0 | Reserved for implementation software. |
B.3 Mapping to IEEE Standard
There are five IEEE exceptions, each of which can be "IEEE software
The assumption, therefore, is that the only access to
There is a set of detailed