C.9 Windows NT Alpha Instruction Summary
Mnemonic | Opcode | Description |
bpt | 00.0080 | Breakpoint trap |
callkd | 00.00AD | Call kernel debugger |
callsys | 00.0083 | Call system service |
gentrap | 00.00AA | Generate trap |
imb | 00.0086 | Instruction memory barrier |
kbpt | 00.00AC | Kernel breakpoint trap |
rdteb | 00.00AB | Read TEB internal processor register |
Table | ||
Mnemonic | Opcode | Description |
csir | 00.000D | Clear software interrupt request |
dalnfix | 00.0025 | Disable alignment fixups |
di | 00.0008 | Disable interrupts |
draina | 00.0002 | Drain aborts |
dtbis | 00.0016 | Data translation buffer invalidate single |
ealnfix | 00.0024 | Enable alignment fixups |
ei | 00.0009 | Enable interrupts |
halt | 00.0000 | Trap to illegal instruction |
initpal | 00.0004 | Initialize the PALcode |
initpcr | 00.0038 | Initialize processor control region data |
rdcounters | 00.0030 | Read PALcode event counters |
rdirql | 00.0007 | Read current IRQL |
rdksp | 00.0018 | Read initial kernel stack |
rdmces | 00.0012 | Read machine check error summary |
rdpcr | 00.001C | Read PCR (processor control registers) |
rdpsr | 00.001A | Read processor status register |
rdstate | 00.0031 | Read internal processor state |
rdthread | 00.001E | Read the current thread value |
reboot | 00.0002 | Transfer to console firmware |
restart | 00.0001 | Restart the processor |
retsys | 00.000F | Return from system service call |
rfe | 00.000E | Return from exception |
swpirql | 00.0006 | Swap IRQL |
swpksp | 00.0019 | Swap initial kernel stack |
swppal | 00.000A | Swap PALcode |
swpprocess | 00.0011 | Swap privileged process context |
swpctx | 00.0010 | Swap privileged thread context |
ssir | 00.000C | Set software interrupt request |
tbia | 00.0014 | Translation buffer invalidate all |
tbim | 00.0020 | Translation buffer invalidate multiple |
tbimasn | 00.0021 | Translation buffer invalidate multiple ASN |
tbis | 00.0015 | Translation buffer invalidate single |
tbisasn | 00.0017 | Translation buffer invalidate single ASN |
wrentry | 00.0005 | Write system entry |
wrmces | 00.0013 | Write machine check error summary |
wrperfmon | 00.0032 | Write performance monitoring values |
Instruction Summary