native file format. The default file format an application uses to store data on disk.
NET_WSCK.INI file. A file used by the utilities running over the TCP/IP and IPX/SPX protocols to find printers on the network.
network administrator. In a local area network (LAN), the person responsible for maintaining the network and helping its users.
Novell NetWare. A network operating system for 80286- and
NuBus. Apple Computer’s hardware standard for expansion cards.
offset. An unintentional transfer of ink such as from a freshly printed page.
operating environment. The physical environment of the printer; for example, temperature, humidity, layout, and power source.
operator panel. The area on the front of the printer with lights, push buttons, and a display panel that help you use the printer.
optical character recognition (OCR). The
conversion of scanned text to editable ASCII characters using optical recognition software.
optional tray 2 paper feeder. A tray for feeding paper to the printer that comes with a universal cassette and two locking pins to fasten it to the printer. See also universal cassette.
packet. A block of data bytes that contains a header, data, and a trailer. The format of a packet depends on the network protocol used to transfer the data. See also frame.
PageMaker. A popular page layout program for Windows and Macintosh computers typically used for generating documents such as newsletters, brochures, reports, and books.
bar has completely disappeared, it is time to add paper to the tray.
paper feeder. The mechanism that inserts paper into the printer.
paper guides. Guides on the auxiliary tray that adjust the width of the tray to fit the paper, and guides on the paper feeder trays that adjust both the width and the length of the tray to fit the paper.
paper jam. A condition in which paper wedged into the paper path prevents the printer from working.
paper path. The entire route that paper travels through the printer during processing.
PANTONE Matching System. A standard color- selection system for professional color printing that works with
PANTONEC.PS. A PANTONE coded file that allows you to choose a named PANTONE color for a document rather than CMYK percentages. See also CMYK_REF.PS file, named color, PANTONE Matching System.
PANTONEU.PS. A PANTONE uncoded file that allows you to choose a named PANTONE color for a document rather than CMYK percentages. See also CMYK_REF.PS file, named color, PANTONE Matching System.
parallel-attached. See parallel printer.
parallel port. A port that supplies the synchronous,
parallel printer. A printer designed to be connected to a computer’s parallel port. See also parallel port.
pel. See pixel.
photoconductor drum. A