corona unit. The bias can be ac or dc or a combination of both.
bindery context. An option that allows you to use the printer with Novell NetWare release 4.x. Bindery context is explained in the Novell NetWare documentation.
bindery emulation mode. See bindery context.
bitmap. An image formed by a rectangular grid of pixels. Each pixel in the grid is assigned a value to denote its color.
bond. A paper formulated with at least 80% wood pulp. Bond is the best paper to use in the printer.
burr. A thin ridge or area of roughness produced in cutting or shaping metal.
calibration. The process of ensuring that a device works consistently according to a set of specifications.
Calibrator utility. See IBM Color Calibrator.
cam. A rotating or sliding piece in a mechanical linkage used especially in transforming rotary motion to linear motion and vice versa.
cassette. A deprecated term for tray 1 or tray 2 on the printer. See universal cassette.
caution notice. A notice that calls attention to a condition that is potentially dangerous to people.
Chooser. A Macintosh desktop accessory that governs the selection of printer drivers.
cleaning connector cover. The electrical connector cover for the transfer drum cleaning brush.
client. In a local area network (LAN), a workstation with processing capabilities such as a PC that can request information or applications from the network’s file server.
CMYK. Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, the four basic colors used in offset printing, as opposed to red, green, and blue (RGB), the three basic colors of light.
CMYK_REF.PS file. A file consisting of PostScript color pages that enable you to specify percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black and get an exact rendering of those percentages in your document.
coated paper. Paper with a surface coating applied to produce smoothness.
color lights. The lights on the printer’s density control panel that turn green when you choose the color next to each light to change the density of that color.
color pages. Pages you can print to see the red, green, and blue (RGB); cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK); and PANTONE colors available on the printer.
color reference pages. See color pages.
COLOR SELECT push button. A button on the printer’s density control panel that you press to choose a color whose density you want to change.
configuration page. A page you can print to see the printer’s current server and device configuration.
connector. A means of establishing electrical flow.
consumable supplies. A deprecated term for
supplies. See supplies.
container. An entity in a computer such as a storage area that holds other entities such as files or programs.