d. When you have made all the changes, SELECT the OK pushbutton. Yousee
the Configure Attachments window.If you want to change configuration
information for other attachments, repeat the previous steps as necessary.
e. When you have made all attachment changes, SELECT the OK pushbutton
on the Configure Attachments window.You see the Restart prompting
f. If you have other configuration changes to make, you can make them before
you restart the system. If your configuration changes are complete, SELECT
the Restart pushbutton to make them effective.
SELECTING Restart does the following:
vIf you are making this change in duplex or simplex mode, a window
appears that informs you that an automatic Shutdown procedure has
started. This window is followed by a window stating that the system
is being rebooted (AFCCU microcode is being reloaded).At the
completion of the microcode reload, the attachment changes are in
effect.You do not have to power off the system and then power it on.
vIf you are making this change in dual simplex mode, the Display Touch
Screen screen goes blank while an internal Shutdown procedure is
executed on the printer on which you are working. The system then
displays a message that indicates that the other printer must be
shutdown for the changes to take affect. This message is followed by
the Display TouchScreen window for the other printer.
Youmust select the Shutdown/Restart procedure from the Operate
pull-down menu on that Display TouchScreen window, and then
execute the Shutdown routine. Awindow appears stating that the
system is being “rebooted”. At the completion of the reboot, the
attachment changes are in effectwith no system power-off and
power-on procedure required.
Chapter8. Configuring the System 231