Token Ring TCP/IP Attachment Information
Table 19 lists all con®guration items, what each item is used for, and the allowable value options for each item. The
Table 19. Token Ring TCP/IP Attachment Items
Con®guration Item | Description | Value Options |
Token Ring TCP/IP | Speci®es if the Token Ring adapter is installed. | Yes or No |
Installed |
TCP Port | Speci®es the TCP socket address of the attachment. | 5001 to 65536. |
| Notes: |
| 1. Only one address is required for operating a simplex |
| system. |
| 2. If your installation runs in dual simplex and duplex |
| mode, specify the same TCP Port value for duplex |
| mode as you do for Printer 1 in dual simplex mode. |
| (IBM recommends using the default value of 5001.) |
| Also, make sure you specify a unique value for |
| Printer 2 in simplex mode; Printer 1 and Printer 2 |
| cannot use the same value. (If you use the default |
| value of 5001, for Printer 1, IBM recommends using |
| 5002 as the value for Printer 2.) |
| 3. The TCP Port numbers speci®ed in the printer |
| con®guration must match the PORT numbers |
| assigned in the host PSF system. |
| 4. Because Printer 1 in a dual simplex system and the |
| complete system in duplex system share a common |
| port number, operational procedures must be de®ned |
| to distinguish between duplex and dual simplex |
| printing. The easiest way to manage this is to assign |
| separate queues for duplex versus dual simplex |
| output (for PSF/2 and PSF/6000), and to assign at |
| least a unique job class for duplex jobs (for S/390 host |
| PSF systems). |
IP Address | Speci®es the Internet protocol (IP) address of the printer | X.X.X.X where X ≤ 255. |
| in dotted decimal format. Get this value from your LAN |
| administrator. This value must match the IP address |
| value in the host PSF con®guration. |
| This value is unique to a duplex system, and is the same |
| regardless of whether the printer is in duplex or |
| |
Subnet Mask | Speci®es the mask that identi®es the local subnet in | X.X.X.X where X ≤ 255 |
| dotted decimal format. Get this value from your LAN |
| administrator. If you do not have a local subnet, leave |
| this ®eld blank. |
Default Gateway | Speci®es the IP address of the default gateway in dotted | X.X.X.X where X ≤ 255 |
Address | decimal format. Get this value from your LAN |
| administrator. |
MTU Size | Speci®es the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) ± | 60 to 4096 |
| maximum allowable length of IP packets. |
Hardware address | Speci®es the TCP/IP Token Ring adapter ROM address. | This address cannot be changed. |