ESCON Channel Con®guration Information
Table 18 lists all con®guration items, what each item is used for, and the allowable value options for each item. The
Table 18. ESCON Channel Attachment Items
Con®guration Item | Description | Value Options |
ESCON Link A | Speci®es if ESCON Channel Link A is installed. | Yes or No |
Installed |
ESCON Link B | Speci®es if ESCON Channel Link B is installed. | Yes or No |
Installed |
Device Address | Speci®es the | 00 to FF (Hexadecimal notation). |
| includes the device address. | Default is X©00© |
| Notes: |
| 1. In simplex mode, only one device address is required. |
| 2. In dual simplex mode, each printer requires a unique |
| device address. Printer 1 requires an even number |
| (for example, X©30©); Printer 2 requires the next |
| consecutive number (for example, X©31©). |
| 3. The duplex system does not require a unique number. |
| It can use either of the addresses used for dual |
| simplex Printer 1 or dual simplex Printer 2. However, |
| it is often easier from an operational viewpoint to |
| assign duplex a separate address (so the duplex and |
| simplex printers look like unique devices to the |
| operating system). The general convention in this case |
| is to assign the duplex system the next consecutive |
| address (even) after the address for simplex Printer 2. |
| For example, if you de®ne Printer 1 in dual simplex |
| as X©30©, you should then de®ne Printer 2 in dual |
| simplex as X©31©, and, optionally, de®ne the complete |
| system in duplex as X©32©. |
| 4. The device addresses speci®ed above must match the |
| device addresses de®ned to the host PSF software, |
| and in the case of S/390 hosts, the I/O device |
| de®nitions. |
Shows whether a multiple host | True or False | |
environment ¯ag | exists. If this environment ¯ag is set, all hosts are |
| required to use the assign/unassign protocols of the |
| attachment architecture. (Not supported on all printers.) |
Card 1 Slot Position | The printer sets this entry automatically at power on time | v 2 or 4 or Not Installed (for |
| if the system senses the presence of an ESCON Channel | Model ES1) |
| card. This item is not selectable. | |
| v 6 or 8 or Not Installed (for | |
| |
| Models ED1/ED2) |
Card 2 Slot Position | The printer sets this entry automatically at power on time | v 2 or 4 or Not Installed (for |
| if the system senses the presence of an ESCON Channel | Model ES1) |
| card. This item is not selectable. | |
| v 6 or 8 or Not Installed (for | |
| |
| Models ED1/ED2) |