Hard Program Checks
Figure 38. Hard Program Check Window - Normal Operations
vFor a Hard Program Check that occurs during either a power on/bring up sequence or normal operations, do the following:
±SELECT the Save Traces pushbutton to save all existing trace data to diskette, if desired.
±SELECT the Restart pushbutton. If the window does not reappear after the completion of the Restart procedure, retry the operation in progress when the Program Check condition occurred.
±If the window reappears after the completion of the Restart procedure, SELECT the Shutdown pushbutton.
±At the completion of the Shutdown procedure, power off the system.
±Switch power on to the system.
±At the completion of the power on sequence, retry the operation in progress when the Program Check condition occurred.
±Call for service if the problem continues.
vFor a Master Program Check occurring during a power on/bring up sequence, do the following:
±SELECT the Save Traces pushbutton to save trace data to diskette, if desired.
±SELECT the Continue pushbutton.
±If the window reappears, call for service.
Chapter 10. Responding to Messages 273