4.To view con®guration information for an attachment, do the following:
a.SELECT an attachment type from the list.
b.SELECT the View... pushbutton. You see the View Con®guration window.
5.To print a copy of the con®guration information for an attachment, do the following:
a.SELECT an attachment type from the list.
b.SELECT the View... or Con®gure... pushbutton.
c.On the resulting window, SELECT the Print... pushbutton. You see the Print Con®guration window.
d.To change the number of copies you print, do the following:
1)SELECT the How Many? ®eld.
2)Type the number of copies you want to print.
3)SELECT the OK pushbutton.
e.SELECT the Print pushbutton on the Print Con®guration window.
The con®guration data is always printed in U.S. English.
6.To change con®guration information for an attachment, do the following:
a.SELECT an attachment type.
b.SELECT the Con®gure... pushbutton. You see a list of con®guration items for the attachment.
c.To change an item:
1)SELECT it from the list. You see either a
2)SELECT the value you want from the
Repeat this step for as many items as you want to change.