Table 28. Miscellaneous Problems (continued)
Symptom | Discussion | Suggested Action | |
| |
The intervention light | The alarm volume may be set to a low | Adjust the alarm volume control; see | |
on top of the printer | volume or alarm suppression may be set to | ªAdjusting the Volume of the Operator Alert | |
comes on, but the | Yes in the printer con®guration. | Assemblyº on page 74. | |
alarm does not sound. |
| |
| |
Labels stick together | Labels must be processed in simplex mode. | v Set the Forms Select switch on the stacker | |
in the stacker. Toner |
| ||
| control panel to Plastic. | ||
from one page sticks |
| ||
| v Reduce the contrast by pressing the | ||
to the facing page. |
| ||
| Lighter Contrast Control key on the | |
| printer control panel. | |
| v Print a stack of forms and check to ensure | |
| that the problem is resolved. | |
The Display Touch | There is probably a problem with the | Work with the system console operator and | |
Screen Printer Status | attachment hardware connecting the printer | the system programmer to resolve the | |
window shows READY, | to the controlling computer system, such as | problem. Review the questions in ªSudden | |
but the printer does | the channel is not enabled or cables are not | Failuresº on page 268 to see if there have | |
not respond when the | connected. | been any changes in the environment that | |
host system console |
| might affect attachment hardware. | |
operator directs a job |
| |
to it. |
| |
| |
The printer starts and | This problem may be related to the | Work with the system engineer or system | |
stops repeatedly, or | application that is being processed, or to the | programmer to resolve the problem. The | |
the forms move at an | printer con®guration. If the printed pages are | Forms Design Reference for Continuous Forms | |
irregular speed. | complex to format; if many transmission | Advanced Function Printers, | |
| errors occur; or if the buffered data | contains detailed information about selecting | |
| commands are issued by the host, the | forms and designing applications, and may | |
| printers must pause while those pages are | be of use in resolving the problem. | |
| created in memory. |
| |
The Display Touch | Something is preventing the printer from | v Inspect the forms in the forms input area | |
Screen shows END OF | sensing that forms are available. Narrow | ||
for holes in the printable area. | |||
FORMS, but forms are | forms sometimes slide sideways, away from | ||
| |||
present. | the paper sensor. |
| |
| |
Missing data at the | The rear tractor could be out of adjustment. | v Ensure that you are using the correct form | |
rear of the forms |
| width for the form ID that was entered. | |
(printer |
| ||
| v Ensure that the correct form ID was | ||
side). |
| ||
| entered for that form. | ||
| ||