6.1.5 Control in the control unit "degree"

If the control units are "degree", the following items differ from other control units.

(1) Current value address

The current addresses in the control unit "degree" are ring addresses from 0° to 360°.

359.99999 359.99999

0 0 0

(2) Stroke limit valid/invalid setting

The upper/lower limit value of the stroke limit in the control unit "degree" is within the range of 0° to 359.99999°

(a)Stroke limit is valid

Set the "lower limit value to upper limit value of the stroke limit" in a clockwise direction to validate the stroke limit value.


315.00000Clockwise Area A


Area B

1)If travel range in area A is set, the limit values are as follows:

a)Lower stroke limit value: 315.00000°

b)Upper stroke limit value: 90.00000°

2)If travel range in area B is set, the limit values are as follows:

a)Lower stroke limit lower limit value: 90.00000°

b)Upper stroke limit upper limit value: 315.00000°

(b)Stroke limit is invalid

Set the "upper stroke limit value" equal to "lower stroke limit value" to invalidate the stroke limit value.

It can be controlled regardless the stroke limit settings.


(1)Circular interpolation including the axis which set the stroke limit as invalid cannot be executed.

(2)When the upper/lower limit value of the axis which set the stroke limit as valid are changed, perform the home position return after that.

(3)When the stroke limit is set as valid in the incremental data system, perform the home position return after power supply on.

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