6.17.2 Speed-switching by instruction execution

The speed can be specified for each pass point during the constant-speed control instruction.

The speed change from a point can be specified directly or indirectly in the servo



(1)The speed switching during servo instruction is possible at the constant-speed control for 1 to 4 axes.

(2)The speed command can be set for each point.

(3)By turning on the speed-switching point specified flag M2040 (Refer to Section 3.1.3) before the start, the point which completes speed change can be specified. The speed change timing at the flag ON/OFF.

(a) M2040 is OFF

The speed change starts with the specified speed-switching point.


Speed change complete point

Speed change start point


Speed-switching specified point (position)

(b) M2040 is ON

The speed change ends with the specified speed-switching point.


Speed change complete point

Speed change start point

t Speed-switching specified point


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